Have you ever thought of what friendship really means? It is really hard to put into words. Friendships are mutually beneficial, meaning each of you get something out of the relationship. Friends are there when you need them, whether to comfort, support, congratulate, or just listen

 A friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out of your life. They are always there for you especially when you need them the most. They know you better than you know yourself, and you don’t even have to tell them anything, and they will know exactly what you’re thinking. A friend is someone who you can sit on a porch swing with and neither of you saying a word, can walk away feeling like you had the best conversation of your life. Someone who you can trust with all your deepest secrets and without telling them not to say anything, you know no one else will ever know unless you tell them yourself. Friends believe in you when you’ve ceased to believe in yourself. They encourage you in everything you do and have your back 100%. A friend is someone who goes out of their way to put you before themselves. Someone who nomatter who they meet in their life, what new friends they make, you will always hold a place in their heart, forever, and they will forever be a part of you too. When it hurts to look back, and your scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there. Most people walk in and out of your life, but friends leave footprints on your heart.

I love my friends neither with
my heart nor with my mind.
Just in case heart might stop, Mind can forget.
I love them with my soul.
Soul never stops or forget..

As you know, I’m all about gratitude and appreciation . So, today I want my friends to know how grateful I am to have them in my life and how much they mean to me:
Thank you for being there for me through some of the most difficult times in my life.
Thank you for being genuinely happy for my success and good fortune, as if it were your own.
Thank you for forgiving my faults, and immature lapses in judgment, and for tolerating my idiosyncrasies.
Thank you for the phone calls, notes, e-mails, DMs, and IMs of support when I was overwhelmed with life.
Thank you for being my friend always, not just when it was convenient.
Thanks for letting me vent, and trusting me enough to tell me what’s bothering you.
Thank you for making time for me even on your busiest days.
Thank you for not letting time or distance affect our friendship.
Thank you for being honest with me when I really needed you to be.
Thank you for asking how I’m doing, and actually wanting to hear the answer.
Thank you for hugs, smiles, inside jokes, and memories.

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